Our New Normal
This year has brought many challenges to all of us to say the least. While we are still amid the coronavirus pandemic and its effects, we must also now consider preparation for the upcoming hurricane season which begins June 1st. Many of us would consider ourselves efficient in preparing for hurricane season, however, we now find ourselves in a complicated time with the pandemic, therefore, additional preparation will be necessary. As many of us are working remotely and routine services in our everyday lives have altered, a Hurricane adds much more to our new normal.
Potentially with a storm - your property can be damaged forcing you to leave; or most commonly electricity will go out.
Offices/Business Hurricane preparation tips:
Using an app on your phone – there are many free ones including timestamp app make sure to take complete photographs of your property, inside and out including the coverings placed in preparation for a potential storm; follow the property from the front door clockwise to have accurate photos of the property pre-loss – this should include walls, ceilings, floorings and contents. This will ensure that your insurance company can determine your preparation and what condition your property was in prior to any potential damages.
Include in these photographs contents in garage, patios, closets;
Photograph your office building (if you have own) before and after each storm – to be able to know the exact date of loss if you have damages during storm season. Sometimes there are multiple storms in a row and you want to prove what event caused the damages;
Have the phone number to your claims department and your policy number for property damages;
Review your policies now and ensure the coverages you have are the amounts needed; discuss this with your insurance agent so you have proper coverage in place before a storm may strike
- Keep copy of policy and phone number to the claims department with you, safe in waterproof container – take a picture of your declarations pages of all policies and email to yourself so that you can access from any computer, if needed.
- Ensure you have passwords with you in the event your computers are damaged
If a storm hits in your area and you think you have damages, (ie. you heard items hitting your home, roof etc) – or see roof tiles, or blown items, fences, pieces of sheds around your property but are not sure of the exact damages - please file a claim to place your carrier on notice of the loss timely – late notice and prejudice for late filing is a common defense in late claims being filed;
- After the storm, take pictures of any damages as soon as possible
- Do not throw anything away that is damaged as the insurance company must have the ability to see the damaged property to investigate loss and evaluate damages - do not give the carriers a reason to deny the claim
- Keep a list of damages you notice them
- Keep receipts for any items you buy for temporary repairs (tarps, tape, etc.)
Below is a list of items to have in preparation of a storm:
- Water & non-perishable food items
- Flashlights, batteries, battery powered radio
- First Aid Kit
- Emergency medications: (fever and pain relievers, antihistamines (including diphenhydramine (Benadryl), antacids, antidiarrheals, hydrocortisone cream, aloe vera)
- Sunscreen and insect repellant
- Fire-extinguisher
- Manual can opener
- Household chlorine bleach, unscented and medicine dropper
- Personal care products (soap, toothpaste, feminine hygiene items, deodorant, glasses, contact and contact solutions, blankets, pillows, towels)
- Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities
- Thermometer
- Masks and gloves
- Phone chargers (include portable charger which can be used in car)
- Paper and pen/pencil
- Garbage bags
- Copy of insurance policies – medical, car, home, office, commercial business insurance, etc.- scan and send them to yourself
- Copy of phone numbers (family members, medical providers, veterinarians, employees, office IT, landlord)
- Spare tire
- Full propane tanks of gas for BBQ (alternative cooking source)
- Essentials for children (diapering needs, formula, games, pediatrician number)
- Pet food and supplies
- Medical equipment and supplies (masks, tubing, batteries, etc.)
- include cleaning supplies needed for this equipment (lysol, antibacterial gels)
- Back up your cell phone to the cloud
-month supply of prescription medications
- tank of gasoline for vehicles
- Secure Home & Offices – with shutters, wood or coverings to all openings to protect from damages in a wind created event.
- Buy and keep extra ink cartridges for printers;
- Wireless printer with Wi-Fi connector;
- Wireless network card/physical hot spot device;
-To ensure internet access to set up printer, computer etc from your phone if needed
- Insurance policies
- Contact your IT company/service in advance to ensure a back-up is done successfully to a cloud and local device – with periodic updates scheduled
- Coordinate with your IT company to determine how and when to turn off machines depending on the requirement of your business
- Configure business phone lines to forward calls to cell phones or know how to access messages from your office remotely
- Turn off computers prior to a potential storm
- Cover all equipment next to windows such as monitors and computers with waterproof coverings
- For computers on the floor and or for IT room, ensure all devices and equipment are elevated off the floor to prevent risk of water damage
- Have your IT company/service’s phone number with you
- Ensure employees/team have a copy of important numbers as appropriate.
IF you have storm damages call our office - we will help you like we have helped thousands in the past. Stay safe and be well!
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